Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Smartphone user? How smart is your posture?

The smartphone is undoubtedly one of the most significant innovations of most recent times, with ever increasing capabilities and ease of use, more and more people are spending time on them. But this is not just limited to smartphones, portable tablets also, allow  users to spend time on them easily whether at home, travelling or commuting to work.

A recent study found that people spending longer on these devices outside of work hours could potentially be putting themselves at risk, this article on the BBC New Website summarises the findings - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-18490433

Reproduced with permission from Joseph E. Muscolino, DC. Art work by Giovanni Rimasti. Originally published in the Massage Therapy Journal: Seven Keys to Healthy Neck Posture, 2010
So what can smartphone and tablet users do to avoid the potential pitfalls of using these devices and causing strain on their backs and necks? Well as obvious as it may seem, just watch your posture. Slouching causes undue strain in the neck and back, compound that effect by flexing your neck forward on an already hunched back and you have a pretty disastrous position for you spine.
To avoid placing excessive tension through the muscles in the back of your neck and back, the user can simply bring the device up to eyelevel and support the hand holding the smartphone or tablet with the other arm, the accompanying picture is self explanatory and a useful visual guide to help improve your smartphone posture.
If you are suffering with back and neck pain, try and alter the way you use your smartphone/tablet, how does it feel? Is there less strain in you neck and back? If you would like to know more about how and Osteopath can help you, please feel free to get in contact.

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Back Care Awarness Week - Is Your Back In Good Shape?

Back Care Awareness week is almost upon us and here at Chart Clinic Osteopathy & Sports Massage we are passionate about helping people maintain a healthy spine!
Back pain, much of the time arises from the modern day sedentary lifestyle. The desk job for example, so many of us spend long hours behind a desk, hunched over our computers or laptops; the human spine is not designed for that. We have evolved from cavemen but seemed to have gone full circle if you look at some of the postures we let ourselves slump into. The bad news is a poor posture causes a lot strain on the spine.
Keeping good physical shape, staying active and maintaining a healthy weight immediately improves spinal health. Making small changes such as adopting a more supportive chair and switching from an old mattress to a new one can help enormously.
Gentle stretching exercises are recommended, at Chart Clinic our patients benefit from receiving personalised advice and exercises, specifically designed to keep each person’s spine in optimal condition. 
Principal Osteopath, James Clapham says “People tend to take better care of their cars than the backs, an annual MOT and service keeps a car in good running condition for 10 years or so, yet our precious bodies we expect to keep going well into our eighties and longer? We neglect the most important possession we have, our physical health!  What will you do if your back wears out, unlike a car; you can’t buy a new spine”.
This Back Care Awareness month of October, Chart Clinic are offering FREE ‘Back Health Checks’, so whether or not you have aches and pains, come along and get a free assessment and advice.
We are also offering a FREE information and advice at our Open Day, Saturday 13th October 10am-4pm.  Please feel free to come along and drop in to see us, we will be happy to talk to you about Backs, Necks and more.
To make and appointment of for more information, contact us on 01737 248 023 or visit http://www.chartclinic.co.uk/special.htm