Thursday, 31 January 2013

"Why Weight?" A guest blog from Weight management consultant Wendy Fry

Many people already know that they are overweight and the majority of those that are have tried all kinds of diets only to drop some weight and then put it all back on.  It’s frustrating isn’t it! That loop of dieting and binging, exercising and then giving up. You know you want to reduce a few clothing sizes but it feels hopeless and you want the weight to stay off for good. 

Lower back pain, knee pain as well as other joint  and health problems are often a result of carrying too much weight around, not only does the weight physically weigh us down, emotionally it drags us down too and we feel as if we’re going round in circles.
Fear is at hand:

HypnoSlimmer is a 4 week programme utilising a combination of modern clinical hypnosis, NLP, EFT and Mind Management that addresses the most common reasons for weight gain. The focus is different to a normal slimming programme in that it allows you to eat what you want, when you want! If this sounds too good to be true, you’re probably wondering what the catch is. The “catch” is simply that you learn to eat only when you’re hungry, and stop eating when you’re full. Most of us have learned to ignore that signal from our body over years of conditioning.
Hypnotherapy will help you to tune into those signals once again. By allowing yourself to eat what you want, but stopping when you’re full, you remove the sense of deprivation you normally get on a diet, and you begin to see food as something that’s still enjoyable, but just not as important any more. Hypnotherapy can help you to become more conscious of your eating habits and to take control of them, rather than have them control you.
Most traditional dieting systems will programme your mind to think about food all the time, counting calories, planning meals, avoiding certain foods. As far as we are concerned, this approach is totally wrong. No wonder you end up being bigger than before you actually started the diet.
So why weight?
Contact Wendy Your Licensed Hypnoslimmer Consultant today and register for your
020 8641 4504 - 0793 0353 941

Wendy Fry is an Emotional Health and Weight Management Consultant.
Her services include Hypnotherapy-Hypnoslimmer and Virtual Gastric Band
Life and Success Coaching-NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)
EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and Matrix Reimprinting.    

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Give Your Body An ‘MOT’ With A Deep Tissue Sports Massage

Taking up exercise in the New Year has tremendous health benefits. Be it at the gym, jogging outside or a fitness DVD at home.  If you are regularly training it pays to take care of your muscle and joint health. Whether you’re new to exercise or a seasoned athlete, you will benefit from sports massage treatment.
Sports Massage Therapist, Hayley Meeking from Reigate’s Chart Clinic explains,
“Exercise in all forms of sport, training or even from manual work means that our body’s are working repeatedly and this can place a lot strain on your muscles and joints. This strain may lead to muscular imbalances, increasing the risk of suffering an injury.”
“Like driving a car, using it regularly causes wear and tear.  To preserve its condition you take a car for a service and MOT, so why wouldn’t you give your body the same level of treatment?”
A Sports Massage will help to...
Maintain your flexibility, allowing you to exercise more efficiently
  • Reduce your body’s recovery time between exercise sessions
  • Help with aches, pains and post-exercise soreness
  • Locate and treat areas of tension due to muscular imbalances
  • Minimises the chances of suffering an injury
  • You will feel good; consider it a well deserved reward for your body’s hard work!
 To find how we can help you or to book an appointment contact Chart Clinic on 01737 248 023 or email

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Getting fit in 2013? Kick-start the New Year with Chart Clinic’s exercise tips…

The end of the festive season sees millions of people in Britain pledge to make a New Year’s resolution. Unfortunately many of these good intentions will be abandoned by the end of January.
A December of office parties, entertaining and overindulging through the Christmas holiday are a great reason to make us want to kick-start 2013 with a healthy diet and some exercise.
Exercise related injuries are a regular occurrence in the New Year, something that we see all too frequently at our Reigate clinic.
If getting fit is on the top of your list, here are a few tips to keep you motivated and avoid injury - the two leading causes of quitting an exercise program.
  • Pick a type of exercise you will enjoy– you are more likely to keep at it.
  • Perform a warm up routine and stretch before and after you exercise, also do a warm down afterwards. Doing this before and after exercise decreases the chance of hurting yourself, as muscles are less likely to get injured if they are warm and relaxed.
  • Build up slowly, if you haven’t exercised in a while ease yourself back in gently, a beginner to running won’t be able to run a marathon right away, mix brisk walking with some light jogging and increase distances gradually.
  • Even if you are not a beginner to a sport, think about taking some coaching or a lesson. Improving your technique will decrease your chances of picking up an injury.
  • Avoid being a ‘weekend warrior’ by spreading exercise throughout the week. Overdoing it at the weekend will put you more at risk of injury.
  • Listen to your body. Pain, swelling and stiffness are your body’s way of telling you to ease back on an exercise routine. If you find that these symptoms do not resolve themselves, or are beyond what you consider normal, it may be time to seek medical attention.
  • Prevent injury, and boredom, by balancing cardiovascular exercise, weight training and stretching in your exercise routine.
  • If in doubt ask, seek advice from a professional, sports injury specialists can offer advice on taking up an exercise regime and injury care.
Wishing you a Happy New Year and a New You, Good luck!
To find out more how an Osteopath or Sports Massage can help you, or for more information visit our website or call 01737 248 023