These are our
top tips to help you when training for your half or marathon.
Avoid training
As many as 85%
of all running related injuries are caused by training error, as are the
majority of running injuries we see at Chart Clinic. By following a few easy
steps you can avoid these errors. Increase your amount of training gradually. It
is generally advised to keep this to a 10% increase per week. Train using a
mixture of intensities, an 80:20 split is sensible, 80% low intensity running
to 20% of high intensity running (i.e. hill/speed work). Keep your long slow
runs at an easy and steady pace, this type of run is about developing your
endurance and putting miles into your legs, not the speed at which you run. Employ
an incremental increase in your training then decrease a little, put into
practice by running increasing distances for three weeks and then in the fourth
week decrease your mileage by 10%.
Plan your
Plan your
training week, identify what you want to achieve in each run and stick to it,
this adds variety and you won’t over do it. For example, avoid finishing your
long run with some sprints; these should be completed on separate days. It also
pays to have a little flexibility, if
you are running a planned 10 miles but after 7 miles you develop a niggle in
your knee, stop running. It is ok to listen to what your body wants to do
rather than running through discomfort to keep to a regimented plan. Allow
yourself to aim to run 8-10 miles rather than a straight 10.
Use a
combination of training methods
swapping one of your weekly runs for strength and conditioning session.
Strength, balance and flexibility all play an important role in decreasing
running injuries and can even boost your running performance. Research has
shown as many as half of all injuries in runners can decrease by following a
simple strength and conditioning programme.
Running shoes
and gear
There has been
a lot of discussion about the recent trend in minimalist footwear and forefoot
running, suggesting that this is the way forward. In general, most people
naturally heel strike as opposed to land on their forefoot. We see it with
injuries that present at Chart Clinic, there is a higher injury risk by
adopting a drastically different running style. To learn the forefoot technique
safely takes months of practice, and training guidance or coaching is advisable.
The most important thing to remember with regard to running shoe advice is buy
the pair of running shoes that is the most
comfortable for you to run in. Check with your local running shoe shop if
you can have a go running in them (perhaps on a treadmill) before you buy.
It has been
scientifically proven that fuelling your body (muscles and digestive organs)
before you train or run in an event is very important. Aim to consume around
250-300 calories about 1-1.5 hours before you run. Eating any closer may cause
cramp and not eating enough may lead to you lacking in energy. During longer
runs try to get 100 calories onboard after the first hour and around another 100
calories every 45 minutes subsequent to that.
Taking on
enough fluid is vital, 2 hours before you run try to drink about 500ml water,
and then immediately before you set off another 150ml. During your run aim to
drink 150-200ml, every 20 minutes or so. By avoiding big gulps you minimise the
fluid in your stomach, a full stomach can be awful whilst running, so drink
little and often.