Runner’s, this week you should relax, you have been tapering for the past few weeks, now just enjoy this final week and look forward to the big day, the adrenaline and the uplifting support from the crowds, the experience alone will be amazing!
If you want to keep an eye on the weather visit the MET office website, this will help you prepare for what clothing you will need on the day, http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/events/london-marathon
In the next few days it’s worth doing a few things in final preparation:
- Rest and relax, you have done your training, now enjoy the rest and wait for race day.
- Consider a Sports Massage to help you physcially and mentally prepare.
- Eat sensibly this week; add an extra carb to your meals, such as jacket potato, rice or pasta.
- Trim your toenails before race day – to avoid any discomfort in your shoes.
- Pick your clothing for the appropriate weather.
- Check your running shoes – Remove any twigs, stones etc. from soles and check the laces are not fraying.
- Drink plenty of fluid the day before race day – your urine should be a pale straw colour.
- On race morning apply some petroleum jelly or similar lubricant to sensitive areas such as nipples, thighs and between arms and chest to avoid chafing.
- Eat something light on race morning bagel, toast, cereal or a banana are all good choices. Avoid eating too heavy a meal the evening before.
Good luck to all our marathon runners :-) - we will see you Monday for a well earned sports massage